
To read some of my material, feel free to browse through the small selection listed on the GENRE page. Just to make it confusing.

Friday, May 18, 2012



 Step into the world of the delusional for a second.

So it's comedy so you look at studios like Paramount or Orion.
Low to medium budget, but I do write some big budget style scripts so they'd have to go elsewhere.
Brisk paced comedy. Usually my story ideas are very good. can never figure out why someone else hasn't thought of them.  THE MAD WEEKEND,  BABY CAME BACK , AFTER DEATH , MAN OF THE PEOPLE  good examples
Contemporary or very modern music score. Australian soundtrack. No guitars in the score though.
Australians have produced many great forgotten songs popular songs, which means they aren't all that popular anymore .  

A regular cast of comedians and acting talent and a regular crew.

The film script has a basic story with an obvious ending.

Along the way:  


There are no shots from helicopters.

There are no car chases.

There are very few stunts.



There is conflict amongst the protagonist and his nemesis but nothing earth shattering. ( Like a western)

There are cameos from other comedians. I like comedians doing comedy.

 There are scenes which are essentially sketches.

There a a series of weird characters .

There has to be plenty of funny lines within the sketches. All comedy performers get laugh lines.