I'm a fan of the Farrelly Brothers.
Let's say that they know that I am a major fan and they contact me.
"Mick we've got two films we'd like to do right now but we can only do one".
And I go "Yes".
Here's the deal we have Desperate Dave Does Delaware and The Stick Up both Farrelly Brothers scripts ( of course) and want them both to be made right now, but we need you to put up the money 50 million dollars and you can be the director.
Okay so I read the scripts and I go for Desperate Dave Does Delaware.
So I get the money and I'm set to make a Farrelly Brothers film. What a privilege.
Hang on , who's it a privilege for.
Well it's a privilege for them because I have put up the risk.
And it's a privilege for me because I get to direct and produce one of there scripts.
The Farrelly Brand is this.
Wacky story
Lead character a bit aggressive
One Taboo subject - let's try Incest
6 gross out scenes
Good casting
Late 60's to early 70's soundtrack.
Happy Ending
That is there brand. They trust me with it.
They hear about my cast and they are excited . Good cast. Jim Carrey, Beyonce.
I'm sitting between Peter and Bobby
Film Opens
Jim Carrey and Beyonce Knowles: They smile
Frank Sinatra singing HIGH HOPES 1957 They grimace.
The wacky story begins. They smile
Jim Carrey is playing a vulnerable guy More grimace Three of the gross out scenes are replaced with verbal repartee. They frown.
Incest becomes an unfaithful marriage. They fold their arms.
Happy Ending Big deal
Bobby : What the hell was that, a Woody Allen film.
Me: I fixed some things up,
Peter That's not our brand.
Me I like it, the audience like it.
Bobby That's not our brand.
Me Hey, next time.
Peter . There aint no next time arse hole.
Wouldn't that be a great idea for a film
Woody Allen Films as a rule cost about $20 millon dollars and gross same at box office. They make the same again on dvd and rentals. Farrelly Brothers cost over twice that amount but are hits earning four times the production cost.

"Multi-reasonably talented" "The most prolific, undiscovered, ok talent in the history of Brisbane". I've been knocking on the door of production houses, TV stations and film bodies for 35 years plus without anyone taking much interest. I gave stand up a go and although I did well at it I could see in Brisbane it was a road to nowhere. 15 film scripts 3 sitcom pilots plus episodes. One 6 part mocumentary series Hundreds of comedy sketches Hours of stand up material.
To read some of my material, feel free to browse through the small selection listed on the GENRE page. Just to make it confusing.