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Sunday, October 12, 2014



I'm doing a review about this show because 1 it was made and 2 I wonder why?


MASTERS OF HORROR             JENIFER    ( spoilers totally included)
Starring         Steven Weber 
Directed by    Dario Argento
Masters of Horror is a television series made between 2005-2007.  It was most likely made for cable as I'd never heard of it and is notable for some good guest stars and primarily for the use of leading Hollywood horror directors.

The series is in the vain of the THE TWILIGHT ZONE with 3 notable additions.
1 Gore
2 Nudity 
3 The word "Fuck": or profanities.

The box sets are available at the moment for $6.98  and are great value.
As a child I loved THE TWILIGHT ZONE and THE NIGHT STALKER but otherwise I  wasn't into horror. I bought these box sets because my wife is into horror. Most of the episodes are good to very good.

Regardless of me being into horror or not I feel compelled to question an episode called JENIFER.
You see whether a story is a comedy, romance, thriller or horror it still has to be done right.

Production values aside JENIFER is so badly done I wonder how it got made as it did.

It opens with a man about to kill a woman with a cleaver. She is tied up and we can't see her face.
Nearby is a detective called Frank (Steven Weber) who shouts for the man to put the cleaver down. The man shouts back "She has to be killed" and attempts to kill her but Frank shoots him dead. He then goes over to the woman Jenifer , turns her around and what is revealed is a seriously deformed face. An extremely grotesque face. At this point I knew and you will know that this is how this story ends. Frank will be killed in exactly the same manner.

Let's cut to the chase here.
Frank is soon at home telling his attractive wife he has just killed a man for the first time. He's upset.
So, he visits the mental asylum to which Jenifer has been sent.
Now get this, he is taken to the showers to see Jenifer whilst she is naked and showering. True. Many guys will be where is this mental asylum?
He then has her released into his custody, brings her home and has her sleeping on the couch. Frank checks on her and she strips naked and starts kissing him and Frank's wife enters catching them. Then when Jenifer turns around and reveals her grotesque self the wife screams. Frank's son then enters commenting something like "Ugly but great tits". (Not as funny as that). Frank says she will be here for one night.
A day passes and Frank returns from an outing with is wife and they hear a noise in the attic. Jenifer is eating their pet cat alive. Frank snaps into action and sends his wife and teenage son away, leaving him alone with Jenifer. The normal reaction to finding some eating your cat fur and all.

So Jenifer starts giving Frank sex and oral sex and Frank is infatuated. I'd be scared.
The next day when Frank returns home Jenifer has eaten the neighbours five year old daughter.
Frank as I mentioned is a detective so he goes to the freak show which just happens to be appearing at the town. He tells the freak show boss about Jenifer and says she's be a great addition to his show. He gives him money and keys to get into his house to kidnap her. 
When Frank returns home he's expecting Jenifer to be gone but alas she has killed the freak show boss and stuffed what's left of him in the fridge. 
No sign of police investigating the disappearance of the child or the freak show operator.
So Frank runs away with Jenifer, he gets a job and by chance the bosses son stumbles upon Jenifer so she eats him. Now this is too much for Frank. He gets an axe to kill her, but a poor sniper sees Frank and kills him and thus the sniper is in the same boat as Frank ...... WOW .
..........and the moral to the story is that as long as your getting your knob sucked all bets are off.
Now on IMDB some rate this 10/10.

So what's my point. 
It should have been good. Maybe very good in the horror genre.

Start off with Frank and  Jenifer in a car together. 
She is not grotesque, in fact she gorgeous. But let's say mute.
From what Frank says to her we know that he has just killed someone.
Frank is not a cop, he is more of a travelling salesman.
Ok he's infatuated by her, and he's getting the great sex  but what he doesn't know, is that she kills every woman Frank talks to and very violently. (for the horror buffs).  Out of jealousy she just kills.
Eventually Frank sees a news item on television about a series of murders puts two and two together ( and we devise a sensible reason for Frank needing to kill Jenifer which wouldn't be hard to come up with) and then Frank is killed in the same way as guy originally killed and of course, we then flashback to Frank killing the guy. That's Frank seeing the story unfold.
And Frank's done what he did because she was very very beautiful and that makes sense.

At least this way it still retains it's horror, gore, nudity and profanity aspects for good measure.