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Sunday, April 14, 2013


It's back on the drawing board. 3 years in the making , at a cost of thousands.We've had our problems but after a discussion which last about 30 seconds a decision was made to re-edit the movie and add a music score.
Tall Poppy Productions Gareth David ( is he related to Larry)  is doing the work and the first part of the editing is done. Some scenes have been chopped, others trimmed, and one character has been  severely cut, but the prodct is now looking much better.
Also sound problems are being dealt with and some scenes were deleted just because of the sound issue.

When the film was first completed there were many issues. I'll be totally honest about this.
I'll look at the film from 6 major points'


I wrote the script and it has two  major flaws
The first is I started the story from Rick Stinger arriving at The Community TV station without any background of who he is. It was my intention to write the script this way but it doesn't work. We need to know more about him and we also need to know more about Lee Travers.

Second Flaw
I didn't make Rick a klutz. I had him talking as if a klutz but there's no sight gags with him falling , tripping over breaking  or spilling something which is necessary. The audience needed to see that he was clumsy.

In the edited version Scot deleted many "laugh lines' and although he had reasons, none of the reasons were suitable, and the lines should have stayed. The cast members who delivered the lines were extremely disappointed.

I had no issues with Scot's directing. Afterwards I said to him that I would have done one scene in a certain way and he said I should have suggested it at the time. However, I made a point of not interfering on that level. To repeat myself., I had no issues with his directing. Not brilliant  but responsible.

I felt all the actors Scot used did a great job. On the other hand I wasn't happy with myself as an actor but I did improve throughout the production. I wasn't good enough to carry the film, that may take time.

The original edit was rushed and sub standard.
The editing ,or in this case "tightening" of scenes has made it funny. It's an amazing process. Seriously, when a scene which wasn't funny suddenly becomes funny, because of a cut it makes you realise how important editing is in a comedy sense. When you take out out an entry to the scene and an exit is shaved by two seconds on either side and it can totally make a scene,

The biggest surprise was cutting out genuine laugh lines, even though funny and finding out that it's much better without them.I say surprise, but I chose to do it and there are many good lines cut. ( That still doesn't make up for the lines which should have been kept in)

I guess that's why they have deleted scenes on dvd's now. The scene is worth watching, but not in the context of the film, and those involved in the "deleted scene" can go "how good was that"?, but the reality it is, it was better out than in.

Scot has been generous enough to allow me to re edit.


Scot didn't have a music score in his first two versions. This was of great concern to me. Although Scot pointed out that FAWLTY TOWERS doesn't have a music score the reality is that show basically gets 10/10 for writing acting editing and direction. And "YES" it would  have been even more funnier  with a music score.

I've got Gareth investigating if we can use a forgotten Aussie pop song from the sixties as a title track. We'll see. He's already added some sound effects which are very good. They just sharpen up the whole process. Id like a punchy score to pump it up a bit.

The major issue with the film is sound. If the film is not audible it's not watchable. We shot the majority of the film in a makeshift studio which was not fully sound proofed. Maybe not sound proofed at all. The scenes in the pub which was a nightclub were shot when work with a pneumatic drill was being used outside. You can't help bad luck but it was extremely unfortunate.

Scot was easy to work with and was proficient and planned. His decision to build a set was his major mistake.If he got a price at BRIZ 31 he may have been able to shoot 95% of the film on a sound stage without the issues which have made the film unwatchable.

October 2014
The reality is the film could be and should be remade. It's a good script  a good story and has the potential for a big audience.

P.S I finally did re-edit this script but that was as far as I got. ( A strange thing happened Having told Scot I would re edit the film he decided he would also do it.  However after telling  Gareth from Tall Poppy Productions  that info both of us  lost total interest.