Australiam Films and Australians in Films
I want an opportunity to make films about Australians. There are not enough films about Australians and we are a dying race. The Anglo Saxon Australian is mixing with other cultures and races and the iconic Aussie will not be here in one hundred years.
I myself have a Fijian Indian wife so I'm not coming from the angle of racism.
But what I'm saying is the "Good on ya mate Aussie" is dying.and these characters have a great sense of humour and way of talking and it is would be great to get my scripts made into films, because these are my characters.
The humour from younger generation Australians is dislikeable at best. It's seems to be put down humour with no self deprecation.
And I'm not talking about the real broad Aussie which is perpetuated in shithuse films like DIMBOOLA. .
I am talking the likes of early Bruce Beresford films. Bruce Beresford made four films, DON'S PARTY, THE CLUB , THE MONEYMOVERS and BREAKER MORANT which showed a realistic portrayal of the Australian, warts and all. I also liked ALL MEN ARE LIARS and SPOTSWOOD.
My script LAST NIGHT OF THE HOODOO'S is very Australian and I intend to rewrite AFTER DEATH and MAN OF THE PEOPLE to be more this way.
And just for the record i do think CROCODILE DUNDEE is a great feel good film.