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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


At the start of 2008  I completed in a very short time a film script THE LEGEND OF IRON MAIDEN  (it's terrible)  and two mocumentaries. I also started on two other feature scripts  MAN OF THE PEOPLE and NED KELLY AND THE BUSH RANGERS ELITE. Then I began a new job and the writing stopped.

I also had an idea of a sex based comedy like Woody Allen's SEX (1971) and THE NAKED BUNYIP (AUSTRALIA 1971)

Cut to the chase. I'm writing NED KELLY and SEX OVER AUSTRALIA now. Anyway they are very different to each other and lots of fun and it's good to be writing.

In "SEX" I'm writing a five minute sketch called CARRY ON BONDI the point is it's a bawdy silly  sketch in the "CARRY ON" style. It's not a Benny Hill type sketch. A number of times I've written jokes on the Benny Hill style ans said to myself "Wrong style ". If you think this is pedantic you are right, it's got to be.  This is not to dismiss Benny Hill, he  is one of my ten favourite comedy people. In fact his work is far superior to "CARRY ON" stuff.
It's not that it wouldn't work it's just that if I write a "CARRY ON" sketch I'd like to get it right. Comprehende'.

That's the thing with comedy , there's lots of approaches and styles and most often when you mix them  up too much it doesn't work. Like everything else in life really. The best comedy is that which knows what it is and where it's place is.


Man:     Who are you sir.

Benny:   I'm Long John Silver. ( smiles and winks) Well that's what my friends call me.

CARRY ON STYLE ( more campy)

Man:      Who are you sir?

Sid:        I'm Long John Silver.

Man       Oooh I bet you are , now move right along. Long John, what a cheeky devil.


"CARRY ON" bleed lines for all they're worth. Benny just through it out there and smiled.