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Saturday, January 15, 2011

ROBIN WILLIAMS LIVE! and my thoughts


My sister Robyn was generous enough to buy me two tickets to see Robin Williams for my birthday.

It wasn't on my agenda because there's no way I could afford to see him but it was much appreciated. I took film maker mate Scot McPhie with me and after the show shook the hand and had a few seconds with Robin. We also had very good seats.

I view Robin as a stand up comedian, an improv comedian, a sitcom comedian, film actor and a great guest on talk shows. 

Here's the thing. Prior to my sister buying the tickets I really had no interest in seeing him LIVE but I'm glad I went for many reasons.

1 He was great and it was a great show.

2 I met him for Christ's sake.

3 And this is the doozy. When I watch the great stand ups I have this thing in which I dissect everything they say, how they say it and how they form the routines to make the one hour of 3 hour show. With everyone I've seen there comes a point usually after about 45 minutes where I go "So what's he's doing or that's how he does it'. At about this point of the show I said to Scot "I've got no idea what he's doing, everything is just fucking random" but about 15 minutes later something happened. Robin forgot his lines or where he was. He walked over to the side of the stage and there was a woman with a computer. He said to her "Where am I?" or words to that effect and she told him where he what piece he was doing.

He looked at the audience and shrugged. The audience didn't mind nor care.

That made sense to me. He just does bits that are in an order, but an order that is planned and scripted in a way as not to look planned and scripted or in any order. From that point on I just really enjoyed the show.

As a stand up I don't see him in the league of Louis C.K or Garry Shandling he's more of a showman comedian doing crazy songs and voices in the mix.

For many years my favourite film was THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. Considered a mess at the time it's now regarded as a genuine classic. I consider Robin to be a great actor in the company of Jack Nicholson and Brando even. He's hardly done a real comedy film except THE BIRDCAGE  which is one the very best comedy films of all time. However his PATCH ADAMS type feel good , sentimental films make me sick.

*footnote. Since his death I cannot watch The World According To Garp.