IT"S BRISBANE TONITE WOW! Finished product
We have finally got to see the finished product of IT'S BRISBANE TONIGHT WOW. Scot has even changed the title from TONITE to TONIGHT because that was correct English.
The positives I thought are that Scot didn't do anything wrong with his directing. I pointed out that he could have done a certain scene a certain way and he said that I should have told him. I said "You're the director".
The cast however were really good,. I thought this collection of (wannabee) actors gave everything to their parts. One may have over acted a bit but everyone else just nailed it and I am really proud of what they did.
As for me, I found it painful watching myself and that's about it.
The film however stinks and can never be released. The sound is terrible. It's unwatchable.