
To read some of my material, feel free to browse through the small selection listed on the GENRE page. Just to make it confusing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Yes  I'm prolific. Of course prolific doesn't mean great or even good it could mean shit house. 

"And here is Mick Steel the most prolific shithouse comedy writer of the 21st century.

Sounds Ok.

 One of my favourite lines in SEINFELD is when Kramer describes Frank Costanza ( George's Father) as "Prolific'. "He's prolific" yep a prolific idiot and maybe that's what I am.

Anyway comedy writing is what I do   and I continue to do it because there's nothing else I can do. So I started off writing sketches, the the comedy monologues then TV scripts then the film scripts and it just steamrolls. Being unpaid and basically uncredited well that's my curse.

Woody Allen, Neil Simon, John Hughes all wrote about one  script a year from the age of 35. I am on a par with them. Not making a comparison in ability, but I have a variety of ideas.

 400  comedy sketches of 15 seconds to 7 minutes which puts me in the Benny Hill bracket of prolific.

SITCOM I've created 3 pilots and written episodes

STAND UP  3-4 hours of stand up material. Performed about 90 minutes of that.

I take an element of pride in this, it's like saying I played football, cricket tennis and golf all of which  I did at the lowest level.

Of course I have no other talents, I can't fix a leaking tap.