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Tuesday, July 5, 2016


 I've almost finished writing the best comedy film script I've ever written PONDEROSA.

First of all BONANZA is one of my very favourite shows of all time. Top 5.  I watch it now on Foxtel at least few times a week. Back in the 90's it was on Channel 9 at midnight and I finished work at 11pm so I'd watch it before going to bed. I'd go into work the next day and I had a running joke with my work mate Terry Keir.
It went this way.
Did you watch Bonanza last night?
And what was the lesson?

Six years ago I started writing PONDEROSA a comedy tribute and feature length send up of BONANZA and it's now near completion. I have many excuses for why it has taken so long but over that time I had written 30 pages of notes and had many visions in my head of what was going to happen.
At the same time I was writing another script which has still gone nowhere.
So I've just had some time off work and almost completed PONDEROSA and it's looking good.
So what is PONDEROSA and what is not PONEDROSA.

It's not a Zucker Abrahams Scary Movie type. ( Apologies to the Zuckers because they created a comedy genre that has been abused so that films in their style are now ridiculous, or shithouse or both).

So it's not a western in which characters use mobile phones and computers carry automatic weapons and have many irrelevant things going on in the background and foreground. The are no scenes with 10 pointless gags per minute.

A gross out western, so that although there's plenty of killings and accidents the injuries aren't highlighted for "laughs".

Full of swearing and "cuss words" because I want the biggest audience possible if possible, but there's plenty of sexual innuendo which Is what I use to instead.

A lame likable frolic, it's full of comedy. It's fucking comedy.

IT IS Not at all like BLAZING SADDLES in a comedy sense.

IT IS Like BLAZING SADDLES in a style and budget sense. I'm writing a big picture .

A big budget big scale western. I can picture  a few actors as Ben Cartwright as Ben is hilarious, so Will Ferrell would be my first choice, but there are a few others who would fit. 

FUNNY for every minute and seldom lets up. I had to write comedy comedy comedy at the top of each page.

A film with a paper thin plot and surrounding that plot are many big scenes or big sketches, so in that sense it resembles the MONTY PYTHON films.

 A film with send ups of other westerns such as Brokeback Mountain, but it's not Zucker like so not every scene is a send up. I've been very selective and as an avid BONANZA and THE VIRGINIAN viewer.  I've chosen to tweak scenes from those shows rather than look for film send ups.

A film with big scale sight gags  but is heavy on verbal jokes.

That's it for now as it's still not completed but getting close.

Note: 2022 and it is complete.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Two films I've watched recently. Both Comedy westerns

CAT BALLOU   1965 


AFI Funniest 100 films Rating Number 50

Starring  : Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin

Directed by : Eliot Silverstein

Screenplay  : Walter Newman and Frank R Pierson

Based on a novel by  : Ray Chanslor

Robert Mitchum and George Kennedy & Tina Louise


Directed by Burt Kennedy

Ronald M Cohen and Dennis Shryack

Cat Ballou was huge hit and The Good Guys and the Bad Guys not so.
These two films are lightweight comedy westerns, but the word lightweight is more appropriate than comedy.
Sure lots of mildly amusing things happen, like in Cat Ballou there's a guy who fires his gun and from 20 metres away misses a barn and in The Good Guys and the Bad Guys there are people chasing a runaway train in cars and on horses.

The banter is cute and snappy and the actors are all smiling and having a great time so there's some entertainment value.........but mainly for them.

CAT BALLOU made NO 50 in the AFI top 100 comedies of all time and this is beyond  my comprehension. There has to be a criteria and it just doesn't make the criteria. The criteria has to include funny and it's not funny it's mildly humourous.

I can watch Jane Fonda in anything and Tina Louise is so drop dead gorgeous in The Good Guys and the Bad Guys it makes me wonder why she didn't get more work. Seriously.

But there is a bottom line here and the bottom line here is there are no funny lines, no laughs, especially no belly laughs and the stark reality is that without funny lines, it aint comedy.

Monday, March 28, 2016


Late one night in the late 80's I was sitting up as usual and this new show came on Channel 9. Called It's Garry Shandling Show I watched and thought this is a very funny guy and the most refreshing show I'd ever seen.

As a night shift worker the show and Garry became a part of my life. As they are saying now he broke the fourth wall by talking to the audience but that was just one of many devices he used. It wasn't the devices which won me over it was his comedy, his ability to twist a sentence and turn everything on it's head.

The show was very inventive and very funny.  In American terms it was low budget and that always works for me.

Then Garry disappeared off our screens for a few years and then I heard of The Larry Sanders Show.
I watched the first episode and admittedly didn't know what he was doing. I thought this is pretty full on. I'm not afraid to admit that it was way ahead of anything I'd dreamed of , but by the third episode I totally got it and once I got it I was like it's biggest fan.

I don't intend to go into detail suffice to say I think it's the best sitcom ever.

I think the last episode is as good as the last episode of CHEERS and THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW.

Since it finished I've missed Garry and occasionally seen him as a guest on a tonight Show.

When I did stand up comedy I wrote many routines and lines in the "Shandling" style.

Only this week I became aware that his feature film WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM was an enormous flop. Budget $50 million with world wide returns of  $7 million. I know at the time I liked it and thought it was very funny and I guess I was allowed to enjoy it. Sure the whirring penis angle was uncomfortable at some stages but sometimes it was funny. Well he made it funny.

Who knows what caused his death. I saw him on Letterman and thought he looked very unwell.
I was like a little kid when I saw him in IRON MAN 2. There's Garry There's Garry.

On a purely selfish level I miss that I will never get to meet him, well not yet anyway.

There's very few major new comedy influences around now , especially Louis CK  with  Larry David, Seth McFarlane and Steven Levitan but there's not much on the horizon.
I miss you Garry and I will always love you and your comedy, you are one of my greatest influences.